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  • Writer's pictureSamson Hopes

The Impact of Alex Grey's Art on My Life (for the Better)

I must admit that I'm not really the artsy type. I mean, I enjoy a nice sunset or a nicely written poem, but I never imagined that a painting could alter my course in life. However, I never expected to find a painting quite like those produced by Alex Grey.

Especially without drugs to enhance it all...

Alex Grey Art and an Idiot Runner

You see, I run. I enjoy pounding the pavement, feeling the win on my face, and taking a brief break from reality. But lately, I'd been experiencing some stagnation. My runs had grown stale and uninspired. I felt detached from the world around me and was just going through the motions, trying not to get too fat.

Then, one day, I just happened to walk into a nearby print gallery where I ended up in front of an Alex Grey painting; Bardo Being. It was unlike anything I had seen since doing too much acid 25 years ago, the colours were vibrant, the details were complex, the twisted perspectives dragged me in. I was entranced. I stared at this amazing work of art for what seemed like hours, filled with a sense of wonder and awe I hadn't experienced in a very long time.

The benefits of a trip, without all the pain that comes with it; clarity without the ever-lasting daze.

Alex Grey’s Bardo Being

I know it sounds corny, but that painting altered my life, one small moment has a big impact. I realized that I hadn't paid enough attention to the beauty of my surroundings because I was so busy with my own routine. I decided as a result. For my next run, I was going to choose a different route that wound through a park full of trees and flowers. I was able to reconnect with the world I had been missing as I ran while taking in the sights and sounds of nature.

Now, I'm not saying that Alex Grey's artwork will revolutionise society. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but it won't end hunger in the world or anything. But for me, his work has been a source of wonder and inspiration that has changed the way I view the world. Funny that.

Since that day, I have never run exactly the same route twice.

Tell Alex Grey His Art Matters!

So, I urge you to look at Alex Grey's artwork if you're a runner like me or just someone looking for some inspiration. I promise it's worthwhile. And be sure to tell him if his work has had a positive impact on your life. Send him a message or share this article to express your gratitude for Alex Grey's motivational artwork.

And don't forget to check out more of his amazing stuff at Alex Grey's official website . Alex's artwork, which ranges from elaborate drawings to large-scale installations, is truly beautiful. So go ahead, treat your senses, and let yourself be carried away to a world of color, form, and significance.You will not be disappointed!

(We are not being paid, or running affiliate links here - this is just a thank you)

In the end, I want to thank Alex Grey for how his beautiful art has changed my life and the lives of many other people. It's uncommon to find something that truly changes the way you perceive the world, but Alex's paintings have managed to do that. So check out his work if you need a little motivation or a reminder of the beauty of the world.

Alex Grey Has Had An Impact

Stop laughing! I get that you don't believe that a picture changed my life. And of course it’s not the picture itself, it just helped prod me in a better direction; it allowed me the time to think, change, and grow.

In the words of Alex Grey…

“I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect.”


Motivation & Inspiration

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

Nelson Mandela

The impact you make can change someone's life. Start by making a change in your own life by doing 10 sit-ups. Let's get motivated to make progress towards our goals. You got this!



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  2. Constant Motivation for Fitness and Life

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  4. An Easier Life

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You Have Impact.

Keep smiling, everything we do and say has the power to change a life.


Samson Hopes


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