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  • Writer's pictureSamson Hopes

The Real Impact of Social Media

It’s 98% bullsh*t, but that also makes me question the 2% of good.

Look at me, how great is my life, how pretty is my dress, how lush does my food look?

Who fu*king cares?

Then there's the ‘saviours’ of the world, the people that happen to be caught on camera feeding the homeless, or the businesses that ‘fight’ for equality, because their fat, white, American CEO poses for a picture with their hands in an X (latest sign for equality in the world).

It’s all nonsense and creates toxicity, bullying, self comparison issues, the list of negative sh*t goes on, drivin by social media and the desire to be ‘liked’ by strangers.

If you have something to enjoy - don't ruin it by posting it all over social media, we know you’re not doing it to share positivity, you want and need likes.

‘Want’ and ‘Need’ are very toxic emotions - they do not give happiness. They provide hope that something will create joy, but that never comes from a thing, being happy can only come from inside of you - work that out and you can have everything you’re ever really dreamt of. Which is not ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. Looking good is a destination to nowhere good. Being good is a journey to enjoy and embrace!


Words and Pictures are Too Impactful to Waste on Social Media

Yes, I appreciate the hypocrisy here, as You Have Impact is a blog and email written by me, a di*khead author, with no qualifications to be guiding anyone through anything. But, with sincerity, I have zero interest in the limelight, nothing I write is to grow a following, I am a very uncomfortable introvert, that writes about a frustratingly extroverted life.

The mistakes I’ve made through life are why I can write - there are real lessons within my fu*k-ups. Writing it all down helps me get through the day with clarity. All moments are a chance to work on feeling good.

Words, writing, reading, rather than just pictures and filters - this is the channel I choose to provide honesty through. Maybe it's easier to hide behind an email, from the embarrassing truth; life is not rainbows, fancy dinners, laughter and achievements. Life is really fu*king hard, for everyone, including for the twa*ts that post their bulls*t photos on Insta.

The bigger social media gets, the more we will need running.

As technology, social and VR develops further, there are three certainties we need to understand:

  1. The necessity for health and fitness will be even greater

  2. The ability to have real human connections must not be lost

  3. Reading, writing and developing our own minds is of more importance than ever


The communities that celebrities hold to ransom on social media are madness. Some have millions of followers that are impacted by every word, filling their minds with chewing gum (pointless food with no nutrition, just a quick hit of taste that fades and turns bad). STOP following the idiots that fill their faces full of needles and botox, or watching the reality TV stars that are telling our daughters it’s OK to be drunk morons in public. We need better role models; people that can guide us to let go of bad choices.

Then occasionally, you do get sincere celebrities that use social media for good - the likes of Joe Wicks, he is a good egg, that’s done a lot to get the world moving and happy. If you choose to use social media, give people like him the platform to shout.

Athletes, politicians (some of them anyway!), doctors, philosophers, real influencers that don't care about the money - that's who we should be promoting. 98% of social media influencers just want the cash - be careful who you pick to spend time with, find the 2% that are worth it, help them grow.


Your Time is The Only Impact That Matters

You are too important a person to be sucked into the nonsense world of reality stars, social influencers that do not believe in their own product, or tech for the sake of tech.

The things we spend our time with, our feeds, movies, music, people and places make us who we are!

Social media provides way too much bad data to consume - it has an impact on too much sadness. It is designed to take time and money from you, not give you more time. When disappearing into the vortex of social media you are losing part of your consciousness, daydreaming about hope and bullsh*t. What's in your phone and through the digital world is NEVER more important than what's actually happening in the room right now. Be aware that you are you in every moment - not what’s in your phone.

Be picky with what you consume! Cut out ther cr*p where possible, measure what has a positive or negative impact on you. Read, share and write words that can pass on good vibes and actions, don’t comment on the gossip or the attention grabbers.

When dropping out of the social media world, for months I found myself picking up my phone, hoping to be entertained with quick hits of dopamine*, when seeing that a new follower has popped up, or someone reacted to a picture of my kids doing something irrelevant.


* Dopamine is a naturally-occurring “feel-good” chemical that triggers our inner rewards system (it's released when we eat delicious food, have sex, and crucially - when we take addictive drugs). Social media mimics human connection, prompting dopamine release when we get likes and comments. It is not real, you will always be chasing something that adds no actual value. It just pushes you to get more likes, which will never truly satisfy you.


Not having social media has impact in two major ways:

  1. Experiencing life in the moment, creating actual memories and joy

  2. Avoidance of toxic stories and people

I know that not all social media is bad, but it's very difficult to draw the line. For me it was easier to ditch it all together.

It’s now over to you, if social media is your thing, fill it full of goodness, not gossip, bullsh*t stories, or talking about other people.

You are in control of your time, your actions, and your mindset - don't be pulled into the social media frenzy of things that don't make a difference to your quality of life. It’s all your choice.


Mark Renton speaking about Social Media drug addictions, and how to let go…

"Choose Your Future. Choose Life."

Always remember that ‘life’ is not in your phone!


Obviously, You Have Impact is not on social media and does not advertise, both go against the moral values of the company. The purpose is simple - to help us all have more impact on what matters.

So thanks again for reading; without you, there’s not as much love spread around the world.

Still, if you hate receiving this email, please UNSUBSCRIBE, we only want this to create good vibes. We’ll still love you, even if you ditch us :)

Or, if you like any of it, share the sh*t out of all content with your real friends; let’s make the world a better, happier and healthier place. Visit our home page for more.


Motivation & Inspiration

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."

Steve Jobs

You have the power to make an impact on yourself and others. Make the most of it by taking care of your health. Start with 10 push-ups and let's get motivated to take on the day. You got this!


Until next time, your faithful servant,

Samson Hopes of You Have Impact.

A total fu*kwit, surviving on moments of luck. A happy but befuddled friend, dad, and husband. A tired, anxious, middle-aged, and searching man. An adventurer, dreamer, and philosopher of sorts. A frustrated introvert, writing memoirs about an extroverted life.

Motivation | Health | Thought | Improvement



The aim is to help you (and myself) see through and beyond life’s bullsh*t. 


You Have Impact is here to guide us towards…

  1. Total Happiness

  2. Constant Motivation for Fitness and Life

  3. More Time and Love

  4. An Easier Life

  5. Increased Wealth


How does this compare to what is on your life list? Let me know what really drives you to have impact (contact form / subscribe). Share your stories with me, to help improve this content for others.


Over the coming weeks, you will receive five more emails, covering the above topics.


These short reads are a preview of the type of content you’ll receive when subscribing to the motivational You Have Impact series.


You will never be retargeted and advertised to with media banners, your data will not be passed on to third parties, and your stories will not be shared for ‘likes’ on social media. This is a legitimate email and blog to help us all be stronger and have a positive take on life, though the tough and great times we encounter.


Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time, please subscribe for more than the first few emails.


You Have Impact.

Keep smiling, everything we do and say has the power to change a life.


Samson Hopes


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