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  • Writer's pictureSamson Hopes


The Joy of Running: How to Start and Keep Running. Find out why running is good for you and how you can make it part of your life.

Running Tips

If you can't be bothered to go running today, or for any reason you are scared of it; just remember why you want to. Everyone needs daily reminders and motivation.

You've got this.

Here's a few reminders on why the world love's running so much, and how we can all do a little more.

Running is Good for Your Health

Running is one of the easiest and best ways to get in shape. It's a weight-bearing activity, so it makes bones, muscles, and joints stronger. It can also make your heart and lungs stronger and help you keep your weight in check. It has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Running has also been linked to better mood and brain function, so it's a great way to improve your mental health.

Setting Goals that Can Be Achieved

When you first start running, it's important to set goals that you can reach. For example, you might not be able to run a 5k right away if you haven't worked out in a while. Set small goals that you can reach that will help you feel better about yourself. Start with a short walk or jog, and then slowly add more distance and speed over time. Set a goal to run for a certain amount of time or distance, and when you reach it, have a party!

How to Choose the Running Right Gear

It's important to have the right gear if you want to run in comfort. You need a good pair of running shoes to keep you safe and give you the support you need. Look for shoes that fit well and give your feet the right amount of support. Also, think about buying clothes that keep you dry and comfortable. This will help you stay cool and dry while you run, which can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel.

Making a Running Schedule

Making running a regular part of your schedule can help you keep it up for a long time. Think about making it a part of your daily or weekly routine, like going for a run before work or on the weekends. Find a running partner or join a running group to help hold yourself accountable. Having a running partner can also make the activity more fun and social.

Keeping Tabs on Your Running Progress

Keeping track of your progress can be a great way to keep yourself motivated and see how much you've grown over time. Use a running app or a smartwatch to keep track of your pace and distance. Or, you can just keep a journal of your runs. By writing down your progress, you'll be able to see how you're getting better, which can make you feel good about yourself.

How to Keep Going

When starting a new habit, like running, it can be hard to stay motivated. Set small, doable goals and have a party when you reach them. This will help you stay motivated. Or, try to find someone to run with or join a group that runs. Lastly, keeping in mind the benefits of running, like better health and happiness, can help you stay on track.

Getting Past Running Plateaus

Plateaus, or times when it seems like progress has stopped, can be frustrating. To get past a plateau, try making your runs harder or longer. Or, try interval training or running up and down hills. You can also try running in a different place or at a different time.

One of our favourite things about running can be the re-build phase, so don't be afraid to start again, get back to basics, go a little slower. Progress makes us feel happy, but when at a peak it's hard to keep improving. That's all OK.

How to Handle Running Injuries

If you're not careful, running can hurt you, so it's important to watch out for the signs. Shin splints, knee pain, and ankle pain are some of the most common injuries. Make sure you wear the right gear, start slowly, and pay attention to your form to avoid getting hurt. Rest and recuperate properly if you sustain an injury.

If you do get hurt, make sure to give yourself enough time to rest and heal.

How to Make Running Fun

It doesn't have to be a chore to run. If you can find ways to make it fun, you'll be more likely to do it for a long time. Try running in a new place, like a park or the beach. Or, try a new trail or route to run. The time can also go by quickly if you listen to music or a podcast. Adding a fun activity, like running on a trail or playing tag, can also make running feel less like a workout and more like a fun thing to do.

Running to the Finish Line

Running is a powerful tool that can impact your physical and mental health. It's an easy activity that anyone can do, no matter how fit they are. By making sure your goals are reasonable, getting the right gear, making a routine, and keeping track of your progress, you will be able to stick with it and see results. So, put on your shoes, hit the road, and enjoy running!

Get out there! Help others do the same. Remember that we all have an impact on the people and things we spend time with, so motivating people to run, smile, read, grow and love is what matters.


It's important to remember that everyone is different and has a different medical history. If you're new to running or getting back into it after a break, you should always talk to a doctor first.

Running by Samson Hopes

Run with the wind at your back,

Feet pounding on road or track.

Push through the pain and the strife,

Reach for the finish line, grow in life.

With every step, you'll get stronger,

Your every breath will last a little longer.

Don't let the doubts inside your head,

Keep you from the lofty goals you've set.

Believe in yourself and all you can do,

You'll see your power shining through.

So lace up your shoes and hit the tough path,

You'll look back with your frineds with many a laugh.

Run with determination in your heart,

As every run is a brand new start!


Motivation & Inspiration

"Keep moving forward."

Walt Disney

Today is a chance to unleash your potential. Running is not just about speed, it's about impact. Start with a small bit of exercise, no pressure to perform, then see what and how you can push on. Feeling good is about progress, yours and others’. Today's running start: 15 jumping jacks and keep moving forward .You got this!



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Samson Hopes


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