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  • Writer's pictureSamson Hopes

The Impact of Curiosity

What’s Up Lovely People,

Trigger warning! I can be a moody pri*k, but I’ll try not to bring you down, even when I’m in the pit of doom, I’m always curious about how to get out, and how to bring everyone up at the same time.

Welcome to You Have Impact, the blog and email for everyone that runs, walks, struggles, reads, or just wants to find more happiness as an everyday person (we’re all commoners really!).

Today’s questions… Why the hell do some of us run? Why the hell don’t other people run?


Curiosity did not kill this Cat…

Today, I am battling crazy levels of misery. Life outside of work and running has become too much to manage, I feel broken and low.

At times like this I have to think deeply about why I struggle to cope. I am curious about what tricks our minds play on us, and what is the best thing to do to find peace.

The last thing I want to do is go for a run, but I know it will provide some of the answers. Until I find the courage to do that, I’ll just write about it!

The week has been weak, little exercise and lots of stress, snapping at bullshit situations, not being the best version of me. Sleep has been poor, so I have resorted to drowsy tablets, which add to the moods and darkness.

But why? Why do I allow myself to feel sh*t?

There’s often comfort in feeling low. It’s easier than accepting that life is hard. It's easier than getting dressed and going for a run.

The impact of being down spreads. The people around you soak it up if you can’t hide it, they then pass a slice of it onto the next person they meet, and so on. You are what you eat, it is not hard to understand that if we spend time in the doldrums, or with other people’s miserable thoughts, we will produce more of that side ourselves.

But then sometimes, you have a moment with someone, or something, that changes your day for the better, they are the celestial points in life that have real positive impact. If you find those people, or that hobby, or even that thought process, fu*king grab it and love it.

Is it possible to work out why things can turn our day up or down?

Thinking about that has given me the courage to lace up and get out, even though it’s raining today.


That was really cold and wet.

But guess what? I’m not feeling so blue anymore. I can see a positive end to my day.

That’s why I run.

I was full of fear before. Scared it was going to be hard, frightened that running might make me a little happier, and that I wouldn't have a reason to feel sorry for myself.

Feeling aggrieved, like we have it tough, makes feeling miserable OK, the blame is not on yourself. It’s the rest of the world that has made us sad. It’s all those wan*kers and arse*oles that get in the way of happiness. Or maybe it’s our ageing, fat, broken bodies that stop us finding true happiness. Yeah that’s right, it’s not our fault, it’s put on us without our permission. It’s unfair.

That’s why many people don’t run.

Fault versus responsibility (thanks High Performance Podcast)! It might not be our fault that we are struggling with a sh*tty workload, or old f*ked knees, or even a tw*t of a neighbour that winds us up every day, but it is our responsibility to let-go of those negative stressors, and to find a way to bring positivity into our actions.

Bad people (or thoughts) can have a terrible impact on your day and life, but that is not outweighed by how much of a positive impact good people can have. It's our responsibility to cut out or improve the bad from the world, one person, action or thought at a time.

That's why we need to consider our impact, but how do we do it?

It’s hard, especially when the darkness is doing everything in its power to keep dragging us below the line.

But not today mother fu*ker - my happy side is going beat the sh*t out of you!

Here’s one way to look at it all, maybe it’s worth your time to investigate further..?


H2: Happy vs Sad - The Curiosity List

There’s a few questions that might help us put a perspective on what really matters today…

  • What would happen if you just let go of your problems?

  • Would life be better if you saw the positive in everything?

  • Would you be happier if you helped others?

  • Could you get out of your own way?

  • What means more to you than anything?

  • If you knew it would stop the pain, would you go for a run?

When you ask your true self, you’ll get a real answer, not covered by fear, instead you’ll be lifted with knowledge.

Our problems don’t count, they are not real.

There is only one real thing in this existence, that’s your spirit. That’s what people remember you by, that’s what lives forever. Our bodies and minds are just here to help our spirits grow.

This is not a religious view (church is defo not my thing), this comes from trying to understand….Why are we happy and sad? What makes life great?

Everything we encounter is about learning; how to keep your spirit up.

Your spirit is in how you act, how you treat people, and how much love you’ve got to give. No one can ever take that away.


The great news is, science has just proved that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance that makes people depressed - this was a horrific myth, created by big pharmaceutical companies to sell us more of their addictive anti-depressants.

For some, that's incredibly hard to hear. Thinking it wasn't their fault or responsibility made being sad easier.

But guess what?

You can fix yourself, no matter how fu*cking scary that is. You can be happy!

Keep asking the questions that make you consider what’s possible.

Keep pushing yourself and others to do a little exercise.

Keep reaching out to those that need a push or pull upwards.

Keep having an impact on yourself, and those around you.

Keep being curious.


Much respect to you and all other adults that have ever attempted running, climbing, jumping or walking for fun. You are the heroes. You have impact, you inspire me, thank you, keep smiling and moving forward.

If you can’t run anymore, for any reason, then find whatever it is that will guide you through this crazy world; it’s hard to persevere through life unless you have something to light the trail, no matter what that is.

If you’d like to chat about anything, write back, I am here (unless you’re being a moody tw*t, then please don’t waste your time on me, it’s too precious).

The point of You Have Impact, is to help motivate, or to share a view that could change someone's day for the better. But I am no doctor, and should not be trusted as a counsellor, this is just the best way I can find to express what helps me (and those close to me).

You are the only important one here though. It is up to you to do the best you can for you, you can work it out.

I love you! Every spirit has good in it, keep lifting yours and others up.

“You’re dead, Carl. You say “no” to life and therefore, you’re not living. You make up excuses to the people around you and to yourself. You’re stuck in the same dead-end job you’ve had for years. You lost the love of your life because she couldn’t be with someone who didn’t live theirs. And on most nights you’re so bored and filled with ennui, you can’t even summon the enthusiasm necessary to masturbate. Am I right, Carl? “

Terence Stamp to Jim Carrey. Yes Man, 2008.

Try not to be filled with ennui, get out there and be curious enough to be filled with life, it’s better.


You Have Impact is not on social media and does not advertise, both go against the moral values of the company. The purpose is simple - to help us all have more impact on what matters.

So thanks again for reading; without you, there’s not as much love spread around the world.

Still, if you hate receiving this email, please UNSUBSCRIBE, we only want this to create good vibes. We’ll still love you, even if you ditch us :)

Or, if you like any of it, share the sh*t out of all content with your real friends; let’s make the world a better, happier and healthier place. Visit our home page for more.


Until next time, your faithful servant,

Samson Hopes of You Have Impact.

A total fu*kwit, surviving on moments of luck. A happy but befuddled friend, dad, and husband. A tired, anxious, middle-aged, and searching man. An adventurer, dreamer, and philosopher of sorts. A frustrated introvert, writing memoirs about an extroverted life.

Motivation | Health | Thought | Improvement



The aim is to help you (and myself) see through and beyond life’s bullsh*t. 


You Have Impact is here to guide us towards…

  1. Total Happiness

  2. Constant Motivation for Fitness and Life

  3. More Time and Love

  4. An Easier Life

  5. Increased Wealth


How does this compare to what is on your life list? Let me know what really drives you to have impact (contact form / subscribe). Share your stories with me, to help improve this content for others.


Over the coming weeks, you will receive five more emails, covering the above topics.


These short reads are a preview of the type of content you’ll receive when subscribing to the motivational You Have Impact series.


You will never be retargeted and advertised to with media banners, your data will not be passed on to third parties, and your stories will not be shared for ‘likes’ on social media. This is a legitimate email and blog to help us all be stronger and have a positive take on life, though the tough and great times we encounter.


Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time, please subscribe for more than the first few emails.


You Have Impact.

Keep smiling, everything we do and say has the power to change a life.


Samson Hopes


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